Saturday, May 15, 2010

Welcome to my very first blog post.

To begin, I am going to cover various fat loss approaches, and the first being fat loss supplements. I have just completed another 12 week transformation and I know there are many in a panic as summer approaches, so I want to cover all aspects of this right now. So, please send questions my way if you have any immediate concerns.

There is a huge line of fat loss supplements on the market, so it is can become easy to be confused. I have never been on to reach for the shelf and buy one of the popular supplements that you see marketed everywhere as many of them carry a blend of ingredients. I like to do things the hard way and buy a couple of single ingredients and take them at the right times in the right amounts. Here is a list of my fat loss stack and when I like to take them.
1. L- Carnitine
2. Yohimbe
3. Green Tea.

I choose this fat loss stack because I find that L-Carnitine allows me to use more fat as energy, green tea stimulates my metabolism and yohimbe increases blood flow, especially to my lower body. I like the fact that there is no stimulating effect and because of this I can take them before my evening cardio. I would normally stack these with a coffee before my morning cardio.

This is the fat loss stack I recommend to my clients who have gone through radical change so I am happy to recommend them to you.


  1. What mg dosage of Yohimbe do you recommend?

  2. what do think about adding CLA to that list?
