Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Fat fighting cardio

While I am doing my Vegetarian stint, I have decided to give my body, joints and tendons a little rest by changing up my workouts and cardio.

Yesterday I did a leg circuit which went something like this -
Leg press - 30 reps
Stiff leg deadlifts - 15 reps
Walking Lunges - 50 steps
Standing calf press 30 reps
Single leg extension 20 reps
Single ham curls 20 reps
Seated calf press 30 reps

I completed this circuit 3 times with very little rest to maintain my increased heart rate and to ensure I maintain my body fat levels

This morning I got to the gym and did a 45 minute spin class which was fun. I want to mix things up over the next month to keep things interesting for my body and brain


  1. Hi Kris

    I am surender chauhan from india, I want to start your 12 week program and my gym time in morning i want to know that can i take your pre-workout stack on empty stomach (like L-Carnitine+Green Tea+Yohimbe+Creatine+Glutamine) please help me
    thanks in advance
